Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Car - Finally!

We had seen this car at a couple of car shows and liked it.  It was at Dick Day Motors (  I wasn't sold on the color or the fact it was a flathead.  We decided to take another look at the car the same day we looked at the 1949 Ford.  Dick Day pulled it out of the trailer and I really took a liking to how it sounded as well as how it looked.  I was essentially sold!!

How did we get here?

The saga of how we got here is not very dramatic or interesting.  Essentially we were on the hunt for something bigger for our family toy.  We were starting to outgrow our 1968 Firebird as the kids were finding the back seat fairly tight.  In anticipation of where we were heading, we started on the hunt for something that would be a straight trade and/or a little money.
Our first trade consideration was the winter of 2012.  It was a 1957 Chevy that was a driver.

I loved the car but the deal never solidified.  He ended up trading for an older hot rod and some cash.  

The next trade was the summer of 2013 - A guy from Rhode Island was interested in trading for a 1946 Ford Rat Rod.  Pretty cool car (looking for pictures) but it was definitely not the best vehicle I've ever seen.  After trailering the Firebird all the way there, the deal fell apart in 15 minutes in his driveway.  Lesson learned....

The next trip was for a 1949 Ford in Southwick MA - easier to explain that it was the CT border.  I drove the car and liked it but it definitely wasn't clean for the money he was asking.  The one thing this car did was start to make me consider older cars (flatheads and 6 volt - old school)